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wood housing

The set of documents for wooden housing manufacturing plant project

Layouts of housing Production plants


The Small Wooden Housing Manufacturing Plant - 50
(Productivity - 50.000 m2/year of two storey wooden houses)

No infrastructure
PDF format, file size -  0.4 megabytes

The Medium Wooden Housing Manufacturing Plant - 100
(Productivity - 100.000 m2/year of two storey wooden houses)

No infrastructure
PDF format, file size -  0.5 megabytes

The Big Wooden Housing Manufacturing Plant - 200
(Productivity - 200.000 m2/year of two storey wooden houses)

No infrastructure
PDF format, file size -  1.4 megabytes

The Big Wooden Housing Manufacturing Plant - 200+inf
(Productivity - 200.000 m2/year of two storey wooden houses)

Including infrastructure
(Electric power, heating, ecology)
PDF format, file size -  1.6 megabytes

Panel housing technology


Wood Housing Plants
Panel housing technology. The flexible architecture.
Such kind of house can be built gradually, step by step. At first, the people can build the ground floor and then after a while, when they will have enough money, they can build a second storey or extend the ground floor. Also they can change the interior and exterior. So, the developer can start with a minimum of resources on which it is capable of the beginning point having possibility of changing the house better and better in future.

Plant Productivity:
 - #1 option  -   50.000
#2 option   - 100.000
#3 option  -  200.000
PDF format, file size - 2.6 megabytes

Typical Two Storey Wooden House
Panel housing technology
Assembly Chart, Layout

Housing Space:
 -  1 option  -   142 м2
 -  2 option  -   100 м23
PDF format, file size - 11.5 megabytes

Typical Panels
Panel housing technology
Panel Charts

- the filling of solid dried lumber
- the filling of rock wool
- the filling of rock wool and lumber
PDF format, file size - 4.6 megabytes

Frame housing technology


Wood Housing Plant
Frame housing technology using metal jointing
Quotation, Specification and Layout of Plant

Plant Productivity:
300 houses per year
PDF format, file size - 1.6 megabytes

Typical Two Storey Wooden House
Frame housing technology using metal jointing
(The house assembling is recorded at video)

Assembly Chart, Layout
Housing Space: 186 м2
PDF format, file size - 1.1 megabytes

Frame housing technology (two storey wooden house)

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